29 November 2009

29 NOV 2009, Sunday (Part 2)

  1. While I was home over T-day, was trying to explain the type of environment that I think we're in to folks. 
  2. So, hopefully this post will show it from multiple angles via several different charts previously posted.
  3. Above is the Dow Jones Industrial Average since 1900.  In it you can see the multi year rises seperated by multi year flats.
  4. My personal opinion is that we're in one of those long term flats...which can be tough, so to speak.
  5. How long do these long term periods last?  Glad you asked...historical perspective is important.
  6. Spend some time reviewing the multiple part post from 17 NOV and you will hopefully begin to see what I think. 
  7. And, I am by no means correct, these are just my opinions and how I'm approaching this environment that I "think" we are in. 

29 NOV 2009, Sunday

  1. Potential Dubai debt blow-up...conveniently over Thanksgiving holiday impacting international markets?  Niiiice!  Boostards held it up in the front half of the week knowing this was coming...no doubt.  Perhaps that explains the run to T-Bill safety mentioned last week (22 NOV post).
  2. All previously drawn trend lines and horizontal support / resistance areas are still holding significance...so far.  Interesting.  
  3. Action is happening overnight with big gaps prior to the normal trading hours leaving only the scraps for day traders to play with.  Hmmm...reminiscent of how the upmove from March started.  Crazy crap!  Da Boyz rule this tape with all the free money pumped into them via the Federal Reserve and federal government "looking the other way".
  4. Only guarantee...this will not be easy in either direction.
  5. Sentiment, below, is not a precise timing tool.  But, it is interesting that newsletter writers are as bullish as they were at the 2007 top...and with fewer bears, too.  Just something to consider regarding potential risk environment.
  6. Since T-Day timeframe was very low volume, it is tough to draw any conclusions...which is precisely what Da Boyz probably want...max confusion.
  7. Short term direction...unknown.  Will take some time to settle out.  Intermediate term still up...although small caps have broken their trend.  However, on the 60 minute charts (currently oversold), we have made new lows but are probably prone to a rise before clarity is restored.
  8. Entering a very difficult time of year (year end).  There is the potential for many cross currents as money managers try to protect profits and there will be less and less trading as we draw closer to the XMas holidays.
  9. Just my thoughts.  Could be treacherous both ways.  Time to be patient and nimble at the same time...not fun...I'll be trading in and out more than anything.
  10. However, I'm still looking for safe shorting opportunities if they present themselves.  

23 November 2009

23 NOV 2009, Monday

  1. OK, OK...I thought above was just plain funny...in a sad kind of way.
  2. Welcome to the newest, and most surprising, member of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy: A team of NPR reporters unearths the truth about health care.
  3. So, for those partisan people out there who think that opposition to the current tax-laden, deficit busting healthcare cram-down is a demonstration of racism against President Obama...how do you respond to the voices typically on your side of the fence?  Or do you just elect to ignore sound reasoned thought from whatever source? 
  4. Yes, yes...that's it...please, don't confuse us with the facts!
  5. And below (when you click it to a new window, you may have to click it again to enlarge), some fun with big numbers for the Administration and CON-gress to consider over the upcoming long weekend.  Honestly, for goodness sakes, have any of these so called Elder Statesman had to run a business with "product delivery coupled with cost effectiveness" as the primary mission?  If so, I'm not thinking they learned anything...at the very least, their experience hasn't translated to Washington DC!!!
  6. Whot forking crap!  If you and I tried this, in a business or as individuals, we'd be bust or in jail.
  7. What am I missing?  I fear that I am missing nothing and am preparing for the next harsh downleg in both the stock market and our economy...it is going to be a long row to hoe, in my humble opinion.
  8. But, hey, what the fork do I know?  It's just my thoughts.  The future will speak the truth to the patient.

22 November 2009

22 NOV 2009, Sunday

  1. I'm going to enjoy a NY Thanksgiving with family so I won't be saying much, more than likely, this week.  Wishing the best to all this week as we remember that we have much to be thankful for.
  2. Above, not much movement (perhaps those long term trendlines in blue?) and this is a holiday shortened Thanksgiving Week...so not expecting much.  This week has a tendency to be up.
  3. Below...what's up with the T-Bill???  Is there a run to safety from a currently unseen event?  Dunno...but it does seem a bit odd.

20 November 2009

20 NOV 2009, Friday

  1. The interest cost alone on our debt last year was $202 billion...and that's with historically low interest rates.  So, watch out when interest rates go up!
  2. On top of that, China holds a major portion of our debt and has a lot of leverage over us.  In fact, Chinese officials have taken to frequently lecturing the U.S. about how to run our monetary and fiscal policy.
  3. And it just gets deeper...errr...better all the time.  The US is going sub-prime?
  4. A look into a future financial crisis for President Obama and Treasury Secretary Geithner where they look back to try and see 'how did this happen?'.  It's all contained in the SIGTARP Report out now.  I guess the President will claim in the future, "How were we to know?" as he hopes the taxpayers have forgotten.  Not likely!
  5. Swell!  Does anyone else think that this is just a little troublesome?  Am I alone?  Does anyone care?  Is anyone awake?  Anyone?
  6. One additional item...Global warming has now been exposed as a complete scam after a few hackers got info/emails from the major research centers (click to read).
  7. Here's a 10min video discussing the global warming email scandal.
  8. Regarding the above video:  It seems Dr. Tim Ball was aware of the data manipulation but could not prove it. Here is a partial transcript but I assure you the video is worth listening to entirely.
    "[The Emails] confirm suspicions that I have had in 30 years of working in climate science that I saw the hijacking of climate science particularly by computer modelers and then by a small group of people associated with the intergovernmental panel on climate change. The difficulty was that even though I sensed there was these thing going on, proving it is extremely difficult. But now with the exposure of these public files it is not only a smoking gun, it's a battery of machine guns. ... On A global scale it's frightening. This group of people not only controlled the Hadley Center which controls the global data on temperatures, so that the global temperature record is in their hands, they also control the IPCC. ... The IPCC is the basis in all governments for the Kyoto Protocol, the Copenhagen Accord, and so on. ..... The problem they had is they kept saying the 20th century and the latter part of it is the warmest ever. And of course skeptics like myself [and several other names] were saying it was warmer 1000 years ago when the Vikings were in Iceland and Greenland and that's why they decided they had to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period and they achieved that with the hockey stick. In other words they completely rewrote the history."
  9. It Was Warmer 1000 Years Ago Than Now!!!  There you have it. Reputable scientists think it was warmer 1000 years ago than it is today in spite of all the greenhouse gasses emitted. That does not disprove global warming now, but it sure makes mince meat of the theory that greenhouse gasses are to blame.

18 November 2009

18 NOV 2009, Wednesday

  1. No change...another narrow range day...coiling for a move.  Waiting for the market to tip it's hand.
  2. Below, neat graphic on who pays what in taxes.  My personal opinion is that no one, NO ONE, should work more than 2 days out of a 5 day work week to pay for government services (includes ALL federal, state and municipality taxes/user fees in total...everything).  To have to work longer than that for the government equals slavery to the government.  That's absurd!  And yes, I think the lower incomes should carry the same tax burden on a percentage basis.  Perhaps, then they wouldn't be so swayed to vote politicians in office that will seize others incomes for their purposes.  Hmmm...almost sounds like equality...how radical is that!  An individual's work effort to succeed would become the focus of everyone and THAT is what capitalism is based on and what made this country!
  3. OK, OK...I know that some more progressive folks are now in an uproar.  Well, get over it.  My solution there is that compensation has run amok for the elite.  And, believe it or not, I have a solution for that too.  Businesses, corporations and senior level employers compensation should be limited to 30x's the "annualized" income of the lowest paid person that provides work/services for that entity (whether on-site or overseas, for that matter).  No more options, benefits, perks that create a twisted reality curve for senior execs...eliminate them and simplify it down to a straight pay basis across the board.  Then, the lowest paid employee/independent contractor's annualized wage would become the basis.  The Board could then design the "pyramid" pay structure down the heirarchy.
  4. I know, I know...I'm a freaking radical.  But perhaps not...it would restore us to the standards that worked in 1950's and 1960's...seemed to work back then!  Besides, with all the bullshirt talk of "pay for executive performance" that we've had to listen to as Wall St "too big too fails" failed blows a complete hole through their non-sensical argument.
  5. OK...off the step..."Steve Wood for President!"

17 November 2009

17 NOV 2009, Tuesday (Part 1)

  1. Not much to add today.  Small range inside day still perched above October highs.
  2. For those interested in alternative views for the longer term outlook (3-5 years), the below Posts 2-5 are an interesting read from cyclepro.com Posts are completely his thoughts)....for the geeks and/or curious.
  3. Below example of recent runup...Amazon.com stock......sustainable???

17 NOV 2009, Tuesday (Part 2)

  1. Found this at http://www.cycleprooutlook.com/.  Discussion below from that site:
  2. The above chart uses the inflation data from ShadowStats.com. to recalculate the DJIA when adjusted for inflation (using year 2000 as the base). Please notice that January, 2000 was the all-time inflation-adjusted peak and the "value" of the index has been falling ever since.  This chart clearly notes the 35 year inflation-adjusted stock market cycle (17.6 years down + 17.6 years up). It is not as visible on a standard stock chart, but when inflation is taken into account the cycle emerges. Adding 17.6 years to the DJIA peak in 2000 provides an estimate for the next low, Summer 2017. 
  3. By the way, just to clarify the curved lines on this chart. This chart is displayed as linear while the curved lines are logarithmic. I cannot display it both ways at once. Logarithmic lines are useful to denote changes in percentage rather than absolute linear value. This makes it possible to compare previous portions on the DJIA history with the current data. For example, the blue line represents extreme bull market peak levels tounched in 1929, 1966, and 2000 while the green lower line represents bear market bottoms, such as those in 1932, 1982, and what I expect to be in 2017. The 1948 low was not low enough to touch the green line, but it was a signficant low nonetheless. The future DJIA may very well show a printed price level above or near where it is today, it does not matter really, because after adjusting for inflation, the 2017 level should be much closer to 4000 (which coincidently, is roughly where the 1966 peak ended).
  4. If the Shadow Stats inflation data is accurate, then what may happen is a repeat of the 1932-1948 sideways triangle. There were big rallies and smaller bear markets, but by 1948, the inflation-adjusted DJIA made very little real progress.  Although the inflation adjusted DJIA went from 469 to 774 (a +65% increase...1932 bottom to 1948 bottom) it took 16 years to get there and the buy-and-hold investor had to endure 2 massive rallies (1932-36 from 469 to 1684 +250%, and 1942-46 from 700 to 1440 +100%) and 2 sizable bear markets (1936-42 -58%, and 1946-1948 -46%). I think we will experience similar roller coaster DJIA rides between now and 2016-2018.
  5. The real bottom for the current US stock bear market is not expected until August, 2017, as the following chart demonstrates with the very consistent 17.6 year cycle.  By then the inflation-adjusted DJIA should be below 4000 (the actual DJIA is likely to be much higher).

17 NOV 2009, Tuesday (Part 3)

  1. Again, more from cyclepro.com:
  2. Taking a very long term look at things I pull out my updated 200 year chart and some zoomed-in charts of the current situation. The top is CyclePro's most noted chart. This is a 200 year history of US stocks with yearly Hi-Lo-Close bars all adjusted for US Bureau of Labor Statistics inflation rates. As is easily visible on a log scale chart, stocks stay within a consistent channel through its entire history. Each time it touches or pierces the upper channel, eventually it moves to the lower channel, and vice versa. There is even a higher channel line (orange) that has only been touched in 1929, 2000, and 2007. The lowest channel line (orange) has only been touched in 1813 and 1982. The 1900-1906 double touch was followed by a bear market through 1920. The current 2000-2007 double touch may follow a similar pattern. My target is actually 2016-2018. Even the 1906 bear market initially came down to the centerline, bounced up, and then fell through several years later. I expect the same to happen this time around with my target no later than 2012 -- but maybe we are already there...
  3. Notice that the sub-prime mortgage reset default peak was September, 2008 and the stock bottom was March, 2009. That was a 6 month delay.  I believe spring, 2011 will be a wave low caused by aftereffects from the fall, 2010 mortgage default peak. The final stock low should be in spring, 2012 following the 2011 mortgage default peak.  I dunno yet if these will be lower lows or just retest lows. I think because of the cumulative effect of the series of events causing more and more weakness, stocks will react with progressively lower lows.  The 1929 scenario did not play out exactly the same way, but events occured in a series that progressively broke down and stocks reflected that with its own series of progressively lower lows into summer of 1932. You can imagine the stock charts of 2010-2012 looking like a slinky walking down a stairs.
  4. A Fibonacci Exercise...I like fibonnaci numbers for my forecasting. I think the current environment is one fibo expansion larger than 1929-1932. The 1929 event took 34 months to go from 1929 peak to 1932 low. Our current event should therefore go 55 months, from Oct, 2007 all-time printed high to May, 2012.

17 NOV 2009, Tuesday (Part 4)

  1. More from cyclepro.com...mortgage default peaks yet to come:
  2. US banks were hit hard by the subprime default meltdown. But an even bigger default opportunity awaits during summer-fall of 2010 and another larger wave in 2011. These are the Option-ARM and Alt-A rate resets. Combined, these are as big (in dollar volume) as subprime was last year. 2009 is simply the mortgage default scenario taking a breather. This is a lull while the news media is scrambling to find evidence of a non-existent recovery. The 2010 and 2011 reset waves should have a much bigger impact on banks than the subprime bomb.
  3. The subprime event hit when banks were weak, but not yet crippled. Now many are crippled from it. FDIC bank failures are increasing. As we go through the 2010 wave with option ARM and Alt-A resets the banks will be hit while they are weak and undercapitalized. With almost no time to recover, the 2011 wave will hit and an even weaker banking system will be hit harder yet. It could result in a knockout. The Alt-A mortgage holders may not be as weak as sub-prime, but the option ARMs are just as weak. It does not matter, the dollar amount of these mortgages are similar to subprime in overall magnitude and much larger on a per-mortgage basis.
  4. If residential mortgage defaults were not potentially damaging enough, there is also the commerical real estate loan defaults looming large. By analogy, the Option-ARM/Alt-A events are like large waves on an open sea -- the commercial event is like a rogue swell that is substantially larger than the two residential events. However, we can see and forecast the timing for the residential events, the commercial event is a little more difficult, and like a rogue wave, it can happen at any time and last for quite a while. Already, the water level is rising, suggesting the swell may be entering the bay.
  5. Also using the same analogy, a wave that occurs at the same time as a swell intensifies the height of that wave. As such, if the larger commercial event occurs in tandem with the residential events, the impact to the US banking system is likely to be dramatically amplified. If you have ever been to the ocean and tried to stop a wave, you know it is a futile exercise.
  6. Folks, this is scary stuff!
  7. This timeframe could shift outward if the Fed pardons defaulting mortgage holders or forces banks to provide more leniency against formal foreclosure. But that will also undermine bank profits (or magnify losses) and merely postpone systemic breakdown. I am not saying the entire financial system will disintegrate, but it is going to lose a few apendages, and that will certainly be painful.
  8. The budget deficit and other Fed bailout strategies may stoke nasty and threatening inflationary storm clouds on the horizon, but the deflationary threat here and now is stronger well into 2012 and the shrapnel cleanup period that immediately follows.
  9. 2012 will plumb the depths of deflation (likely a full blown depression!) and then slowly transition into a nasty stagflationary era. Sometime well after 2012 is when I think the inflationary pressure will have its first chance of manifesting into real substance. If I am correct, around 2016-2017 is the timeframe when inflation should be at its maximum bloom.
  10. It will be up to the Fed at that time to see if they can mop up to keep inflation at bay. It is one thing to drop dollar-bombs from a helicopter, it is an entirely different matter to recollect them afterwards. More of a classic view, inflation cannot occur as long as unemployment is high. The Fed can monitize debt, bailout Wall Street, and Obama can run higher budget deficits... these events do not cause inflation unless Main Street has the cash with which to spend and is comfortable doing so. As long as the blizzard of Bernanke Dollars remains isolated to Wall Street and DC, there will be no inflation... and the government spending $400 on hammers or toilet seats does not count... inflation requires happily employed consumers to spend money.
  11. August, 2011 is the last and largest major reset peak for residential Option-ARMs and Alt-A's so formal foreclosures should occur about 6-9 months following. By spring, 2012 the worst of the residential reset storm passes. This cleanup, however, will probably have to work itself out on its own because the Feds stimulus gun will probably be out of bullets by then. Americans are likely to be financially exhausted and too fearful of spending money on anything they don't have an immediate need for. There is likely to be a rather long stretch of survivalism that dampens consumer spending.
  12. It is very, very difficult for me to even consider inflation at this time while all of these heavy and vulnerable mortgage rate resets remain queued up to execute. You can mark it on your calendar because, baring major Fed intervention, it's gonna happen.
  13. Real estate investors may have to wait until 2012 for the opportunity of a lifetime to pick up obscene bargains for pennies. But to do so you will have to have the cash. I have no doubt that an RTC-like agency will be created by then to provide home buyers with terrific foreclosure bargains and excellent new mortgage terms, which essentially means 20% down and very low fixed rates for 15 or 30 year terms. Between now and then, the only viable residential real estate opportunity for anxious home buyers that I can see is with assumable FHA mortgages that already have low fixed rates.

17 NOV 2009, Tuesday (Part 5)

  1. So, where are we in the Kondrateff Cycle?  Still more from cyclepro.com:
  2. Civil unrest is a distinct possibility, but not just over the next few months or years. Think decade - at least to 2018.
  3. We already discussed the Option-ARM, Alt-A, and commercial real estate mortgage defaults coming up -- when you have people both dispossessed from their homes AND umemployed unrest will be an even greater threat.
  4. Couple this with a financial system that is already weakened from sub- primes last year, 2009 seeing nary a recovery (except from media shills and cheerleaders), and then the 2010 wave hits these weakened banks, and followed on with the 2011 wave which hits even weaker banks.
  5. The subprime event taught us something about how the rest of the economy responds to it. We saw credit freeze, loan applications denied, reduced business profits, a wave of layoffs, consumers cutting back on spending, yada, yada. And stocks performed a little dance for the devil (at SPX 666).
  6. Next year there will be another wave of mortgage defaults as Option-ARM and Alt-A rates get reset. Sometime along the way commerical real estate may see some major defaults. Because of continued economic and unemployment drag, residential prime and agency defaults are likely to increase as well. The tally of FDIC bank failures are likely to be in the 4 digit range after these wave hit the banking system. The 2011 wave of residential defaults is likely to be the real back breaker of the economy.
  7. Mid-2012 is when the last major wave of mortgage defaulters will be completing the foreclosure process and be physically removed from their homes. Of course the Fed may change the rules of foreclosure protocol, but that will only prolong the reckonning.

16 November 2009

16 NOV 2009, Monday

  1. New highs need to be respected...strength.
  2. Amazing...and frustrating at the same time.  Can Da Boyz hold this up?  Are they distributing to retail?  is it just the weakness in the dollar?  Are they gaming OpEx week becuase they bought calls at lower levels and are running them up (SEP & OCT followed a similar pattern)?
  3. So many questions...too few answers.
  4. For example...they keep using the overnights to gap up over resistance areas (cuz it takes less firepower than trying it during the day sessions).  How long can the same game continue?  Dunno.  Frustrating is the only thing to say.  They cram 'em up and go into frustratingly narrow trading ranges.
  5. Dayum I wish I didn't need sleep but this is the way the war is being fought now. 

15 November 2009

5 NOV 2009, Sunday

  1. Above is Consumer Credit back to 1960.  Now that's a contraction that's not been seen before!  Consumers appear to be retrenching pretty hard.  So, I ask myself, what will power profits for companies that must be present to continue the stock market rise other than just the "sugar high" of free money from the Fed?
  2. Below, lifted from Fujisan over at SlopeofHope.com.  It was a good chart and goes along with my current sentiments...so why should I work on a Sunday (LOL)?  As stated previously, it appears that we may be in another multiday topping(?) flat and this is Option Expiration Week ending Friday which is usually positive with Wednesday usually being the most up.  So, some chop, a little pop and then a drop?  Dunno.
  3. One thing not favoring the bear side is that the market is back above it's 90 week moving average.  It is currently at SP 1058 which is only 3.5% below Friday's close of 1093.  So that could change quickly with just a small drop.  Besides, this market has gotten so stretched to the upside that there is no way I would buy anything without a healthy correction.      

12 November 2009

12 NOV 2009, Thursday

  1. Pre-Market...Saw this over at the Slope of Hope and thought it worthwhile. Also, one thing to notice is the late August, mid September, mid October tops.  You'll see that they were multi-day flats; daily bars overlapping each other whipping up and down but basically going nowhere...or very short term sideways before turning down.  That's why I was willing to take a shot at the October high.  Will we see a similar pattern?  Have to wait and see.
  2. In the first daily chart below...Looks like the downtrend line from the 2007 highs may have some significance.  Also the uptrend line from the 2002 lows is intereacting here as well.
  3. In the lower chart...a 120 minute chart, momentum is hitting highs it has in the past and rolling over?  In the past, it reacted back upward before succumbing.  Watching. 

11 November 2009

11 NOV 2009, Wednesday

  1. To all veterans...Thank you for your service!

10 November 2009

10 NOV 2009, Tuesday

  1. Well, yesterday the SH trade was stopped and had to scamper away like a scared bunny.  The way it goes sometimes.  The Dow broke out to new highs but the SP500, Nasdaq and Russell couldn't do it.  Will they?  Have yet to see.
  2. The market keeps running on the Fed's printing press.  Karl Denninger is always a good read...the link between the falling dollar and current market action.  So your assets are going up but their value is going down.  Ain't government intervention great?  Thanks George, Hank, Ben, Tim and Barrack!
  3. When will it end?  I dunno.  And I gotta admit that I'm feeling some battle fatigue as I try to balance what I see as reality against the current monetary experiment we see unfolding before our eyes.  Fighting the government's printing press...perhaps a fool's errand.  Truly historic indeed.
  4. Having said that, we are right back toward short term overbought conditions...and there is strength here short term.  And I'm waiting for another attempt to re-establish short positions as I don't think this ends well.
  5. As always, timing is the question. 

09 November 2009

9 NOV 2009, Monday

  1. Early morning...Da Boyz are good at what they do...squeezing the shorts so hard their eyes may pop.
  2. Stop out could be coming...or not.  Noone knows.  That's why I try to do my thinking ahead of time.  It helps to avoid the emotion trap...although you always feel it.  Will have to let the market make the choice.
  3. Choice has been made...stopped out to the tick. 
  4. Next! 

07 November 2009

7 NOV 2009, Saturday


  1.  March...Ms Market was young, had nothing (but there's always duct tape) and was ready to party...which is kind of interesting.  No?
  2. Then she went up, made some dough, bought some new threads and is now seducing folks.



  1.  For now, we're trying to determine direction...and Ms Market has changed...not for the better.




  1. My thoughts are that Ms Market may be playing on the other side.





05 November 2009

5 NOV 2009, Thursday

  1. Still bouncing.
  2. SH bought at 54.8 (stop @ 54.2), last close 55.3.

04 November 2009

4 NOV 2009, Wednesday (Part 2)

  1. Current SP chart...(first below) so far, so far, lack of bounce despite trying.
  2. SP chart from July 1998 (second below) showed bounce attempts that couldn't get any go...then good move down.  Interesting that the white lines on this chart are the same white lines which are my "hope it doesn't exceed" line and top of the potential target area on current chart.  Looks like those areas have been significant in the past...no?  Interesting...levels hold significance over the years?
  3. SP chart from July 1990 (third below) showed same.
  4. Dare to dream???  Could be more bounce attempts still.

4 NOV 2009, Wednesday

  1. Above...is it possible that there is a link?  We seem to be complaining more about healthcare since the 1990's...a period during which government became steadily more involved in healthcare spending.  Hmmm...what might it be like when government controls most of it?  Be careful of the change your wishing for.
  2. I won't short America but I will short Socialism/Marxism.
  3. Below, the bounce appears to have begun.  Possible that we'll see a Head & Shoulders pattern develop?  
  4. As Tom Petty sang, "The waiting is the hardest part." 

03 November 2009

3 NOV 2009, Tuesday

  1. In honor of Election Day...let's hope for responsibility, integrity and country minded leaders!
  2. Tight range and inside day today...not much to say.  Federal Reserve meeting and interest rate decision tomorrow.  That's probably what everyone is waiting for.
  3. Tomorrow paints a little more of the picture.

2 NOV 2009, Monday

  1. Expecting bounce...would love to see it stay below top white line (1075 area).  Would like to see the swing lows (black bars) taken out with subsequent upswings setting lower highs followed by downswings with lower lows...definition of a downtrend.  Remember, right now, I've been playing the very short term as it seemed to be weakening and perhaps it morphs into something more.  Lower white lines are potential intermediate targets.
  2. SH bought at 54.8 (stop moved to 54.2), last close 56.7.