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- Seems that the current budgetary wisdom is springing forth from the heartland vice the coasts!
- Wisconsin is a recent stand out with Governor Scott Walker and Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan of the US Congress. The governors of Indiana, Ohio and New Jersey are leading in that same direction. OK...small ha tip to Governor Cuomo of New York who seems to realize the he attacks it is yet to be determined.
- Thank God that reasoned thought yet exists somewhere in America!
- Let us hope that such rational ideas, such as fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers, hasn't been completely discarded as an old idea.
- Even more, let us hope that it takes deep root and we actually confront our challenges before the bond markets force them upon us.
- That's why I hate those non-stop eeky, squeaky minimal up days back to back. Multiple days gains can be wiped quickly.
- Big down day on Tuesday that was foretold in the After Hour Globex session on Sunday and Monday.
- One day does not a trend make...watching subsequent action.
- Well, the Obama rally has defeated the Bush rally in the SP500. Or is it because he went to steroid usage via the Federal Reserve's QE programs (Bernanke, You Stupid Bastard)?
- The After Hours (ie, when normal cash markets are closed) Globex trading session on Sunday evening and into Monday morning has resulted in 1% fall. Chart below covering various markets.
- Similar happened over the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and it came right back the next day.
- Will have to see...
- So what's the breakdown? Below...scary it seems. And as a military pensioner (complete disclosure)...I get one of those checks, too.
- By this time after the late 1980's FSLIC Crisis, there were well over 1,000 actual CONVICTIONS WITH JAIL TIME.
- To date in the current crisis....NONE, Zip, Zilch, Zero. appears as if the Banksters will get away with it. And funny enough, you the taxpayer get handed the bill. But nobody cares so long as Dancing With the Stars, American Idol and the Super Bowl are on. Bread and circuses, baby. Bread and circuses. (To those who don't understand that some history.)
- Doubt it??? Here is a video discussion of it.
- But, hey...if you own the politicians and regulators which are responsible to the populace to enforce the law.....NO PROBLEMO!!!
- And people wonder why I'm so forking frustrated and absolutely convinced that the country is, in fact, already lost and it's just a matter of time for the masses to realize it.
- Frightening times.
- Perhaps I'm a bit reactionary...and I honestly hope that I am. Time will tell.
- Still up. Nothing has changed.
- Above, just an interesting time symmetry over the past 2 years.
- Good luck.
- Just another chart below for chuckles...
- Is the market approaching an Icarus moment?
- Really hasn't been much to say as the market keeps, ever so slowly, eeking and squeaking steadily upward. Yes upward out of the sideways. Still above 20, 50 and 90 day moving averages and the first daily pivot is down at 1291 while 1275 is much more important.
- I just think that the risk to the downside is greater than the potential to the upside. Having said that, it doesn't have to come down. It can continue it's slow steady crawl upward, and to see that......
- I'd recommend looking at the charts on the sidebar that include the "envelopes" and "standard deviation (std dev)" charts.
- For now, just feels like....
-'s all a game, right?
- is looking sideways. Out of sideways comes up or down...which way no one knows.
- Bernanke has still got his foot on the POMO gas pedal which makes me hesitant to guess...witness its effect since August. Many indicators on the daily and weekly have been overbought for awhile...all that fuel is keeping them aloft.
- Could this be just a trip down to the 50MA and then back up or down toward the November congestion area? Dunno.
- Will wait for the market to tip it's hand.