Record haul on taxes...and some candidates propose still more tax increases? Will there ever be enough to satiate Washington's largesse?
12th ==
And, just like that....Glo-bull warming is over? The new Ice Age drumbeat begins. Headline..."Scientists stunned to learn that the Sun is what heats the Earth". LOL Now, the press will start telling us that we should "Be afraid. Be very afraid!" Where's Al Gore and his Glo-bull warming buddies? They'll save us! Will President Obama keep claiming that global warming is our nation's biggest threat?
OMG...I can't wait for scientists to call for man to produce more CO2 as "The" cure. I'm already doing my part...I plan to breathe real heavy and fart a lot, too. Join me and rally for "Toot to save the planet!"
What a crock.
7th ==
Going back to bed...LOL
- Off topic...'cuz what's the day without a stupid global warming story. Don't like the temperature history data? Revise it! No do people take this seriously?
- "I believe she has potential!"....