- EMPHASIS ON THE WHOLE FED THING YESTERDAY. It is a big, Big, BIG deal. You now live in a different America. Why? Simple. This is Banana Republic-type stuff! Printing money out of thin air at the central bank, only to turn around and buy debt securities issued by your Treasury, is the kind of practice you typically see in emerging market regimes. We're essentially monetizing our country's debt and deliberately devaluing our country's currency. We're also screwing over our foreign creditors (ie, China & Japan) — a dangerous path to tread considering we're a net debtor nation that's trying to borrow tens of billions of dollars a month to fund our massive deficits. When emerging markets try this, it often results in an implosion of the entire economy...think Argentina, Mexico, Russia (1998), Zimbabwe billionaires. Not a guarantee...but on thin ice...not safe...so, not safe.
- Briefing.com article on SP500 bounces post bear markets Has a great chart of depth of bear markets and subsequent bull moves in multi year windows. Also, speaks a little to Price/Earnings ratios (current).
- But, Ms Market seems to be happy!
Senators Introduce Bill to Protect Supreme Court Justices
After an escalation in political violence over the past several years,
including protesters at the homes of Supreme Court justices, several United
1 hour ago
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