CO2 emissions to zero?? So, are they planning the mass suicide by kool-aid? Or do they think we’ll have developed a different manner of breathing by then (let alone transportation, heat, A/C, light, pharmaceuticals, plastics, etc., etc.)? I’ll gladly stand in line for the kool-aid, but every global warming supporter has to stand in front of me. When the last one drinks the kool-aid, well, we might not have to drink anymore. We’ll measure the CO2 emissions THEN and see if zero is really necessary.
How do these guys honestly dream this stuff up? Heck, if Al Gore stopped his heavy breathing chasing massage gals in hotels late night and CON-gress stopped their political posturing maybe that would be enough to reduce CO2 emissions? And if we stopped CO2 emissions, what happens to the plants? C'mon, this is really getting retarded.
I haven't run into one single global warming believer, in the real world, who has honestly and verifiably reduced their CO2 production by anything near 5%. So, when they hit the 35% mark, I'll be impressed and consider that they are serious. Until then...this is complete bullshirt! They want anyone and everyone, other than themselves, to experience the cut while they go about their normal lives. If they were serious, they would LEAD!!! They'd: 1) turn off their heat (firewood doesn't help since it is carbon), A/C, lights, 2) turn in their car and get a bike, 3) stop wearing any clothes containing other than natural fibers, 4) not use any drugs generic or otherwise, 5) refuse to buy any food or other products (China is going to be disappointed) that were transported to their local store from outside a 100 mile radius, 6) grow their own food in their backyard, 7) refuse to buy any product that was manufactured since it takes energy, and 8) absolutely refuse to buy any product made from plastic, had plastic packaging or electronics in it (plastic motherboards...turn in your cellphone to start, no toys for the kids), etc. etc.
I'm waiting!!! Don't preach to the rest of us...ACT! They should all be immediately dismissed as unrealistic, unserious and selfish. I've got bigger things to worry about.
Oh...WHOA...wait a minute...perhaps Obama and gang are on to something here. We can reduce CO2 emitters via Healthcare Reform and rationed health care to the Medicare population. I guess plugs may be pulled on Granny yet! Gosh, those guys are geniuses!!! How silly of me for doubting.
This whole thing is the second biggest scam in the history of mankind (second only to TARP). It's a way to prey on your guilt so you'll "volunteer" to pay a "Cap and Trade" tax that will: 1) double your cost for gasoline, 2) increase your utilities by 50% and 3) probably increase the cost of your food and clothing by 35%. All that extra money goes to special interests who are writing these ridiculous laws and to the government who benefits and grows larger by getting its hand even deeper into your pocket.
Had enough of this religious cult yet? Wake up and think! Don't merely accept what "the powers" spew. The climate has NEVER been stable...seen any dinosaurs recently?
If it is real...guess what? We'll adapt! Think of all the jobs that will be created for our kids, 100 years from now, to counter the effects of advancing water levels...more jobs than the Stimulus ever created and they'll be real!
Rant over ...Steve Out!