- A small country in the southeastern corner of Europe. Small, yet currently significant. Significant in that it, currently, is a microcosm of both Europe and, now unfortunately, the US in that it is a socialist country reaching it's limits. Below is a discussion of how a socialist society collapses (ie, the USSR is a recent example not to be forgotten and China has chosen to move closer to capitalism in an attempt to avoid the inevitable...but, they are still a command economy, and unless they change...they will meet a similar fate........my opinion.......time will tell......you read it hear first).
- Before I proceed, this is not meant as an insult to Greece (ie, some of my best friend's families are Greek immigrants to the US...you know who you are and God Bless that you are some of the most successful Americans and most genuine people that I have ever known and I'm blessed to have enjoyed my life with you...let's keep it going...yes?).
- Instead, this is seriously intended as an insult to all governments anywhere and everywhere who choose to play this "socialist" debt loaded game of "tease the Tiger". I merely use Greece as a current example to all those that choose the similar trail of politicians who promise everything at no cost to the present or future generations. Greece is just meeting the inevitability first. So, let's continue...
- The government has taxed, over promised and overspent and is now broke because they're running out of "other people's money to spend" (thank you Margaret Thatcher for that quote).
- This is a lethal combination! Sound familiar to you Americans??? Yes? No???
- So...what do they do? Then government raise taxes, on an already struggling population, to support the unsupportable non-sensical promises of the past. Smart???
- Well, how does that work out? An already struggling population responds! They realize that they are being unrepresented, disregarded and eventually just used / abused by the oligarchs. They seek to evade the government's impact against them by developing an "underground economy" to evade the taxman. Heck, they're already hurting and need to avoid any further drain that prevents them from providing for their family and themselves. They merely want to be free...left alone to live their lives responsibly in their local community.
- So the government responds due to the expected revenues not rolling in...and raises taxes AGAIN to increase revenues for the oligarchs to distribute to their special interests in order to maintain power. But, it doesn't work out due to the underground economy. So, the oligarchs are infuriated!
- Next step....The oligarchs respond by further cracking down on the underground economy for tax collections (ie, normal citizens) through the use of government force.
- This is THE critical turning point!
- It's at this point that some of the people decide (ie, Boston Tea Party) that there's nothing left to lose and it's time for them to take matters in to their own hands and remind the current government that they are accountable to the people vice the people being accountable to the government.
- Yes, IT...IS...THAT...SIMPLE. That's how societies descend into revolution (ie, change not necessarily violent change).
- Think about it. Think of all the major countries in history that have experienced revolution...ours included...(ie, governmental change). Didn't they all follow a similar path?
- Let me know of ones that have escaped that path. I entertain alternate ideas! I am an ignorant in so many ways. I'm sure that there are others out there who are able to share alternate opinions and I welcome them because I need to maintain a reasonably open mind.
- Help me to heal my country...for my countrymen!
- "Why?', you ask. Glad you asked....let's get to it.
- God Bless America!
Trading Quiz Tuesday: UNUM Provident
Bulkowski provides another slider trading quiz. Posted: 3-Mar-25 18:10:29.
10 minutes ago
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