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- Info from Barry Ritholtz's The Big Picture blog (
- Long term secular moves above.
- Open link in new tab for candidates positions.
- Above...simple thought.
- Below, the effects of the Federal Reserve on the stock market this past few years. Operation Twist is currently scheduled to end in June.
- Do "gravity lessons" apply in this next round too? Who knows.
- For the curious old farts...gas prices in nominal and real terms since the 1970's.
- that how a normal stock behaves? Just asking.
- Interesting stats on the 1% vs the 99%.
- Below...a tad bit of a rush to judgement? Let's see how this plays out over the next 5 years. Remember how they hailed Greenspan and he left, it all blew up and then he was the "goat"?
- Yes, interest rates are rising recently. As they should, due to potential inflation and default risks in the future.
- But we are a long way away from Interest Armageddon.
- Long term historical average is probably around 7% to my eye.
- Interesting info regarding defense spending by country...
- Below, interesting SP500 hashed boxes are QE periods...
- Spring is upon us! So, let's dust off all the global warming hype again!
- NASA predicts global cooling to rival the "Little Ice Age" of the 17th century as the latest temperature records confirm no warming since 1997.
- Global warming gone so soon??? Here's the article...Enjoy!
- Market has continued it's slow upward drift. Monitor and adjust your stops as necessary.
- Above...Exhibit A...or proof that drilling increases supply and then prices come down.
- Wouldn't it be nice to see lower gasoline prices, too?
- Drill!
- Below, interesting info...states could reduce prison populations and expenditures possibly by reviewing drug offense cases?

- Above, the solid line is the SP500 while the dotted line is the cost per gallon at the pump (less taxes) for gasoline. So....the question is...can you identify where the Federal Reserve is conducting QE by the impact on BOTH gas and stock prices??? your stock portfolio is going up...sure. But, so is the cost of gasoline, heating/cooling your home, food stuffs, and anything you buy from Walmart due to the increased cost of transportation.
- Uncertain? Watch this and maybe you'll understand.
- Do you get it??? There is no freaking free lunch. YOU ARE PAYING FOR THIS. We're being robbed by the Magicians....Never mind the left hand just focus on the right hand...How's that usually work out?
- Below...what should be BIG NEWS but no one is reporting on...America is actually in a new energy boom! Not the BS green energy movement that our government is pissing a ton of money down the pipes on. But, instead, a real live private exploration movement in natural gas and oil from shale resources across our great land.
- Fact 5 or so years....the USA may become a net EXPORTER of energy than a consumer. Why isn't this being proclaimed on the news??? Could it be political agendas?
- For you to decide! Click to read more!
- As stated in 5 FEB post, the market has merely continued it's slow crawl upward against the Bollinger band. It has been amazing how long it has slowly crept upward.
- Picture above from Gann360 on Twitter, looks back at similar moves in the past few years and finds a day count of 50-56 days until at least a 3% correction. Yesterday was day 51. Would tend to indicate a correction is coming...only questions are when and how far and no one knows.
- Healthy markets need to is atypical to just inhale without any exhale.
- Below, Federal Reserve action periods (QE) over the past 3 years.