- Global Warming? Sure but Al Gore has it completely backwards. Surprised? I'm not!
- The above chart shows what ice core samples reveal. The 0 year is present day and as you move right, you do so in increments of 100,000 years. Ice core data indicates that Mother Earth has experienced cyclical rise and falls of CO2 throughout history. We're just in one of those rises.
- What causes it? A (completely independent of man) natural warming cycle of the earth. Perhaps it's associated with the 11 year solar activity cycle (second chart)? Note the low peak in the late 1960's that led to the cry from scientists of a "coming Ice Age"...see article in Point 8.
- As the earth warms, gases (CO2 is one of them) normally trapped in solution of the cool waters of the ocean are released into the atmosphere. Warm water can't hold as much gas as cool water and releases it through the surface to the atmosphere. You can't see it...but it is happening and can be measured. But as a good demonstration...ever notice how boiling water releases gas bubbles?
- Soooo...as the earth warms...all on its own...VOILA! More CO2. The CO2 increase follows the temperature increase...it does not cause it.
- To all you Global Warmers out there, we're about to get slammed with one of the biggest tax increases in history through "Cap and Trade". Thanks, you idiots.
- You can read more here if you like.
- Oh yeah, one more thing...remember in the 1970's when the scientists were screaming about the coming Ice Age? Read about it...
- These naturally recurring earthly warming and cooling cycles are such long cycles that the human mind and life span just can't grasp them. So my thoughts? Not much to worry about here Chicken Little.
- George Carlin and a perspective on Mother Earth.
- InformationisBeautiful.net skeptics vs consensus graphic.

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