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21 AUG 2009, Friday

- Hmmm...economy is blowing up, banking system is blowing up and Social Security is now blowing up faster due to high unemployment and reduced payroll taxes for the government. Graph above shows that Social Security is getting ready to go in the red (outlays exceed revenue) a decade earlier than anticipated. Medicare is already in the red as of last year.
- Why? Oh, why in the hell are the President and Congress all hyped up on creating the biggest expansion of government in history? I suppose I just don't get it. What I do get is that we have a responsibility to our posterity (kids, grandkids, etc). We're supposed to hand them a country on solid footing. Not a bag of hot steaming dog doo.
- To our leaders...want a crisis to solve? Don't do anything new. No global warming, no nationalized health care, stop the cash for clunkers and cash for houses nonsense, too. Just fix the stuff that's broke now and return them to sustainability!!!
- To the market...more on the weekend...FIN-A-FREAKING-LY!!! We've broken out of the chop to the upside and appear to be in the final stretch. It's possible that we just tipped into the "a few weeks or days" to go.
- Watching!
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