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26 MAR 2011, Saturday

- The Libyan situation is not funny. BUT...
- Absolutely hilarious watching both parties attempts at rationalization / justification for political advantage. Which definitively proves that both parties are the same...only the times and faces/names change.
- I hope that you hardcore supporters of either party take the time to actually THINK about that. And then, I hope that you pause, use your mind, contemplate deeply and throw off any allegiance you hold to either party...forever...PERIOD. Become Independent yourself! Instead, seek what's best for the country in the long run and support / vote for leaders who are willing to do the hard work to take us in that direction. We have enough issues right here, right now that require our immediate attention. We need to avoid all distractions, focus like a laser and fix what ails our nation NOW...excessive government spending and using debt to do it! To continue down this path locks in lower living standards / higher taxes for our kids and grandkids. No reasonable (keyword there) adult would selfishly pass their burdens to their children, yet that is exactly what is being done. The clock ticks....and we still waste time and resources on the unimportant.
- Don't think it's the spending? OK...try this scenario then...remember President Obama's Stimulus in 2009 that was a $787 billion hodge podge of spending steered toward political interests by the politicians in Washington DC? Good...alright then...please sit down for this. Did you realize that total income taxes paid to the federal government in 2009 were $1,054 billion? SOOOO....this means that they could have reduced those taxes by approximately 75% and had the same stimulative effect of returning money to the economy...only YOU would have determined how your money was spent. Which would you have preferred?
- Anyway, back to Libya: My opinion...and I know it is just that, an that we've no business there. There is no imminent threat to the US.
- Besides, I think I read somewhere that, "Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
- Silly me...that's right...that's from our very own Declaration of Independence! It's their right in Libya. Not ours to meddle in their affairs.
- USA needs adult leadership...and NOW!
- UPDATE 28 MAR: Oh...and it just gets better...Libyan rebel leader admits ties to Al Qaeda and having fought against the US in Iraq.
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