- Pshaww!!! We're not there yet. Someday...just not now.
- Here's the proof....Netherlands (home of windmills) gives up on windfarm subsidies and Germany (the self-declared masters of photo-voltaic production) kick solar power subsidies to the curb.
- Guess this whole global warming thing isn't as big a deal as it was made to be!
- Gee...ya think???
- How much does solar power cost and how long to break even on the investment.
- Oh yeah...and the criminality of the housing boom / bust continues...no one is to blame, no one pays a price and certainly no prosecutions resulting in jail time. What absolute horse crap. If you or I went in to a 7-11 and took a candy bar without paying for it, we'd be facing time. Unbelievable!!!
- Below....how I long for $2.50 per gallon gas...

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