- Global Warming hysteria goes Pfft!
- Good read... http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/04/05/warming-and-worry-go-awol/
- Another... http://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/04/05/usa-meets-kyoto-protocol-without-ever-embracing-it/
- Below...US meets Kyoto Protocol with out ever embracing it. Unfortunately, it took the greatest economic decline in decades to accomplish it. Which means, that to meet the Kyoto Protocol you have to reduce living standards across the globe? Who's ready to sign up for that? Honestly!

- Russian scientists say global cooling for 200-250 years soon coming.
- Good read...Susnpot Cycle and the Global Temperature Change Anomaly
- Another...Clouds reflect sunlight and lead to cooling. Duh...global warming was going to lead to it's own demise via increased evaporation and...more clouds. And, I'm not a scientist!
- RECORD HURRICANE DROUGHT CONTINUES! Where's all the extreme weather we're supposed to be seeing?
- Sunspot cycle history could explain warming and cooling cycles...
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