- Cap and Trade? C'mon! Call it what it is...a Carbon Tax! Plain and simple folks. Be aware that if Cap & Trade is passed it will result in an average $163 per month increase in costs per household. So, enjoy your $13 per week tax reduction from Obama & Congress...or you'd be better off saving it to pay for this silly Global Warming tax. By the way, has anyone noticed that this has been the coolest and longest winter in many years? Hmm...paging Mr. Gore...Mr. Gore?...Gee, it seems that he's nowhere to be found.
- Code Pink protests Washington's Bailout Mania: I'm not a fan of Code Pink because they always seem to protest for stupid causes but I tip my hat to them for protesting the current taxpayer rape job that has been going on for far too long now.
Peer Review and Costs of Building Electrification for Commercial Users
The ramifications of New York’s Climate Act on business development are
becoming evident. In 2026, certain new buildings in New York will no
longer be abl...
1 hour ago
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