14 December 2009

14 DEC 2009, Monday

  1. Comments on chart...click to enlarge. 
  2. Highest close for the year as it appears ready to try and take out the highs of the range.
  3. 2010 is just around the corner.  2009?  Well, I gotta say that I was absolutely amazed at how much of an impact the government had.  They turned on the printing presses and Voila!  All that "free" money went straight into and lifted all markets...big!
  4. What happens when the money inflows stop?  Or has it worked?  Time will tell.  Personally, I'm probably wrong, but I am still wary.
  5. So, as the holidays near and things slow down I will be re-caging my gyros and preparing for 2010.   

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