- A sign that you will NEVER see at a "Tea Party" gathering.
- Now, isn't that odd? I didn't realize that I owed anyone anything except common courtesy and respect of their rights as provided under the Constitution. I don't see a rights discussion there. More like a wish list. I wanna be better looking...but that ain't going to happen either!
- And since respect is earned...well, he's wrong...I don't owe him anything. Especially, since he is not affording me the common courtesy of keeping his hands off my wallet and its content (ie, wanting the government to seize my property and then provide it to him).
- Perhaps I'm missing the point....."I WANT, therefore I am...and deserve!??"
- And, just in case you missed it...his bottom line in red..."We're happy to kill all that it takes until our demands are met."
- Such pleasant people those protestors on the left.
- Soooo...to all the mainstream media who were foaming at the mouth for violence that could be linked to a Tea Party member....why aren't you reporting this?
Carbon Budget Misinformation
What we have in the latest Carbon Budget is a Soviet-style five-year plan,
where the Government is being urged to meddle in our lives to an
unprecedented e...
3 hours ago
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