- Above...US military bases worldwide. A bit much, I'd say.
- On a market note...SP500....2010 closing price was 1257.64...2011 closing price was 1257.60. Don't think that the market is controlled by folks with a sense of humor? Remember the 666 low for SP500 in MAR09??? Can't get much closer to unchanged than that.
- Rip Van Winkle would've woke up after this year and said "Gee, I guess nothing happened!" which belies the roller coaster sideways year this was.
If António Guterres Can’t Get Basic Facts Right, Why Should We Believe the
UN on Anything?
Antonio ‘boiling’ Guterres’s constant hysterical pronouncements are
risible. But he is still the head of the UN – the parent-organisation of
the Intergover...
1 hour ago