- Nothing different.
- Amazing move it has been. Not many instances like it in history, below.

- Global warming? No problem. We'll do wind farms...except doesn't always work...click to read about wind farm that's been out of commission for several weeks due to heavy icing on the blades.
- Here's what they won't tell you at the Wind Energy Pep Rallies.... the use of wind energy results in increased levels of SO2 (acid rain), NOx (smog) and CO2 (greenhouse gas). Go ahead...click and read it, I dare ya.
- Even the Dutch (Home of the Windmill) are giving up on wind power as a viable energy source.
- And for those that claim global warming is to blame for this winter's large snow falls...Keep trying Al!

- Even better still for all the Chicken Little global warming supporters out there...comments from the First Earth Day Celebration (APR 1970). By now we're supposed to all be dead or trying to eat one another based on their Malthusian commentary. What a load of crap. And the crap just keeps coming. Perhaps, we're eating too much?
- Or go here to see the Top Five Environmental Disasters that Never Happened.
- In fact, the world is cleaner and greener (below).
- Had enough of this preposterous nonsense?

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