- The Administration who would be King.
- Majority of population against the Stimulus Bill 2009...passed anyway.
- Auto companies bailed out...cuz I wanted to.
- Obamacare, despite faulty savings assumptions and major opposition...passed anyway. And the heck with the courts saying it's unconstitutional, we're pressing ahead because we think it is anyway. 3 MAR Update: Showdown brewing between Judicial and Executive branches? It's about forking time! What happens when the Executive over reaches? Perhaps we'll be reminded (ahem Richard Nixon) soon!
- Ben "keep the printing presses humming" Bernanke reappointed Head of Federal Reserve...I needed it for re-election, screw the consequences.
- Cap and Trade defeated...that's OK cuz I'll have the EPA put regulations in place to meet the same ends and that is more expensive energy for the masses. Ya know...to wean us off foreign oil. Screw nuke plants!
- Patriot Act to be renewed again...you didn't honestly believe my campaign promise to repeal it. Did you?
- Despite the Senate having the constitutional responsibility to ratify treaties, START Treaty signed by President without making the final wording in the document available for review to the Senate...I'll modify and sign what I wanna sign. Oh yeah, and no press coverage either.
- Pressing ahead with the offshore drilling moratorium anyway despite the US now being in contempt of court over this issue.
- 23 FEB Update: President Obama and Eric Holder unilaterally determine that the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional....nevermind that pesky separation of powers concept in the Constitution...BAH!
- Look. It's good to be King and I'm gonna do whatever I want...Kapishe?!!
- Aahhh....all this from a Harvard educated constitutional lawyer. Just proves that more money doesn't mean a better education.
- Refreshing!!!
- As to the markets...nothing has changed from prior posts.
Peer Review and Costs of Building Electrification for Commercial Users
The ramifications of New York’s Climate Act on business development are
becoming evident. In 2026, certain new buildings in New York will no
longer be abl...
1 hour ago
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