- Sooo...with all the hullabaloo regarding the recent $38 billion cut deal ("largest in history"), the inescapable TRUTH is revealed in the chart above from the Congressional Budget Office.
- Conclusion? Even with the "largest cut in history", we still have a year over year increase in spending.
- What a crock. Folks...don't buy the hype. Question everything!
- I can hardly wait for our Fabricator in Chief, who incidentally promised 2 years ago to halve the annual deficit by the end of his first term, to throw a whole lot of generalities out there with no specifics and promptly run back to his corner for cover. Afterall, he wants to stay above the fray and avoid the heat of "true leadership".
- No doubt, he will pound the table for tax hikes...right on top of the tax hikes occurring at the state level. Doesn't sound like a good idea to me.
- Give more tax money to Congress and it will just be spent. Doubt it? Remember in 1983...the Social Security payroll tax was raised and was supposed to keep Social Security "secure for the next 75 years!" Well, its been less than 30 years and where's that money? GONE! SPENT! You're Social Security is blowing up AGAIN! Washington DC's answer...MORE TAXES!
- Please, don't fall for the obvious destructive cycle of "politicians overspend and taxpayers must be punished through automatic tax hikes" nonsense. Because, that's all it is.
- Hey ...I know! Why don't we try something novel for a change...REAL enforceable spending cuts. When regular folks run up their credit card, they don't claim their income is too low and look to take someone else's income to pay down the card. They spent too much...they know it...and they take the real world step of reducing spending.
- After a few years, then we can revisit the tax side of things. Unless, of course, you want to eliminate the entire current tax code (which just gives power to politicians and money to lobbyists) and institute the Flat Tax proposal. That way the populace would be able to clearly know what they are paying and Congress couldn't continue to nickel and dime us with new fees while increasing income taxes, too.
- WHOA...Absolute crazy talk!
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