- Cartoon above sums it up. Both parties are just as bad.
- There are choices that must be made. Politicians are incapable AND unwilling. They always want to kick the can down the road and let the mess blow up on someone else's watch so they can be 'heroes' in the now with little concern for the consequences of their inaction.
- It's time to play the hand we're dealt and stop praying for four aces...that we know won't come!
- Want a real crisis to fix? Fix this one...it is real! Global warming hysteria has nothing on this one. (By the way, "evidence" of global warming on Pluto, Mars, Neptune and Jupiter. Yup! Must be man made...no doubt...no doubt at all!) Or, perhaps, as we enter a new solar minimum maybe we are headed toward a new "Little Ice Age". Folks, the science is not settled on this stuff. It appears to be agenda driven news. 'Nuff said!
- Need some more convincing, try this for starters....
- Each day our nation borrows $4 billion, or 42% of each dollar spent, not each dollar authorized. And, each day our nation pays communist China $73.9 million in interest on our debt, money that is allowing them to aggressively modernize their military, support a larger force and increase their global influence. We pay them enough in daily interest to buy a new jet for a carrier while we do not have enough planes for our own fleet.
- Me thinks that's silly....just saying.
Cheese Was a “Key Achievement” of Trump’s USMCA Trade Agreement
Trump is complaining about Canada's cheese tariffs. In 2018, he was
bragging about cheese.
4 hours ago
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