- SP500 keeps it's upward streak going. Gotten to the old highs...in a relative straight line, too, which keeps it overbought in my mind. I prefer to buy dips in bull markets or sell rallies in bear markets...so no action for me. What will they do with this double top? Top it or just blast through? Many are watching.
- Light reading...Lehman investigation indicates that the regulators (ie, SEC and FED) knew of Lehman book cooking fraud months before Lehman went KABOOM! They just elected to look the other way. Swell...orange jumpsuits and a good long stay in the Gray-bar Hotel for all involved! as for current environment, how many other institutions are in as bad a shape now (still) since CON-gress bludgeoned FASB into moving away from mark-to-market accounting and toward mark-to-whatever-we-need-it-to-be accounting last MAR 2009.
- Ahhh...if only we could get some leadership...you know, someone with a brain and spine that are actually connected to one another...we could ensure that last year's crap doesn't happen again. Instead, we seem to be whistling past the graveyard.
Peer Review and Costs of Building Electrification for Commercial Users
The ramifications of New York’s Climate Act on business development are
becoming evident. In 2026, certain new buildings in New York will no
longer be abl...
29 minutes ago
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