- Take a look at the above chart. Now...ask the obvious question..."How come I'm sending my tax dollars to Washington so that they can cycle through a bloated bureaucracy and then just be sent back to my state?" What the hell is the purpose? I mean...besides power and control by a too strong central government both over its states and its people?
- Now just imagine if the federal government reduced it's meddling in everything and returned to just taking care of its responsibilities specifically detailed in the Constitution. Then, our federal taxes and federal employment would shrink, return those tax dollars to the state (ie, let them collect them outright) with the responsibility over choice of spending initiatives where the local populace can better hold their legislators to account. Then, for example, I wouldn't have some chuckleheaded Nancy Pelosi from California or Harry Reid from Nevada dictating what they think is best for Virginia. Especially, when California is as jacked up as it is...Virginians don't need that kind of "help".
- The 10th Ammendment to the Constitution...State's Rights...needs to be asserted by the individual states. The federal government has grabbed way too much power over time and it is time for it to stop. Especially, as our leaders demonstrate they don't give a good gosh darn what we think about particular legislation and that we should just shut up and watch some more American Idol because we're just too stupid to understand what's best for us.
- Our country was great and can once again restore itself, if we get to it and restore the Constitution to its rightful position as the law of the land instead of "Oh, that old thing? It's so outdated and useless."
- Dunno 'bout that...seems to me that it is what made this country what it is over a few centuries.
- About SP500...tending upward but could turn this back down quickly as well. Very sketchy area...sticking to day trading here.
- Something to consider...we're almost 1 year from the MAR 09 bottom. What's the significance of that? Taxes...those who hold an asset 1 year or greater get a much more favorable "long term" capital gains rate coupled with the CON-gress threatening to raise capital gains tax rates for 2010. Will that bring some selling pressure? Possible...who knows.
- I'm just following price....One day at a time!
Cheese Was a “Key Achievement” of Trump’s USMCA Trade Agreement
Trump is complaining about Canada's cheese tariffs. In 2018, he was
bragging about cheese.
4 hours ago
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