- Markets seem ready for a bounce...will see how it plays out.
- The person who gets my vote does stuff like this and steers clear of emotional issues such as flag burning, gay marriage, abortion, illegal immigration...all the emotional "hot button, red herring" issues.
- I agree with Karl Denninger's thoughts below...
- The candidate that says this to the TV cameras and his opponent wins:I am running on fiscal responsibility which I define as (insert your platform), and on the removal of embezzlement and fraud from our government and financial system, (insert your platform), including the reversal of the bailouts my opponent voted for and supported. Where fraud and embezzlement took place I will do everything in my power to see that each and every person involved goes to prison, starting with those at the top of these large corporations and, when necessary, current members of our government.If you insist debating other issues the microphone is all yours, and you may monopolize it all you want. We may agree or disagree on those issues, but that's not what I'm here to discuss, and it's not what I'm running on.If you elect me you will get the following (list of corruption and fraud that you intend to excise, along with your fiscal responsibility promises, including charts, facts and figures.)I understand that these other issues are important to virtually everyone, but I also understand that almost exactly half of you who hear me speak now are on each side of these issues and none of you are going to change your mind. Therefore, the question I ask you is this: Are those issues more important than getting rid of the fraud, corruption, and scamming in our government and economy? If they are, no matter which side of those issues you happen to be on, then I'm probably not your candidate. If, on the other hand, fixing our economy, locking up the fraudsters and putting a stop to the rampant theft from each and every citizen in this room, which has personally indebted each and every man, woman and child in America by more than $40,000 over the last three years, is the most-important issue before you as you head to the polls, then I ask for your vote.
If António Guterres Can’t Get Basic Facts Right, Why Should We Believe the
UN on Anything?
Antonio ‘boiling’ Guterres’s constant hysterical pronouncements are
risible. But he is still the head of the UN – the parent-organisation of
the Intergover...
1 hour ago
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