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13 NOV 2010, Saturday

- "Quantitative Easing Explained"...simple and concise 6 minute video exploring QE2. I want you to listen closely, especially, around the 3 minute mark for exactly why this crap is being done again on steroids when it didn't work the first time (QE1)....AND WHAT YOU ARE NOT BEING TOLD!
- Psst....Bank bailouts continue at tax payer expense!!! Yes, it's that simple folks! Only now they can't be shoved through CONgress and the President, so they will be back doored via the FED and the "spread between purchase and re-sale prices" associated with these swaps (the Vig).
- Isn't that nice?!!! It's all about the banks baby! They're still insolvent, the government is still trying to hide it, you're still getting ass raped (sorry, calls 'em like I see's 'em) and you don't even know it or worse don't care. They are counting on you being naive, disinterested, or, worse, just plain ignorant. And ya know what? They seemed to have nailed this one on the head for far too many Americans.
- Remember when Obama said, "I didn't come to Washington to protect a bunch of fat cat bankers"? Well, he is completely full of fecal matter. He's not pulled back TARP, FASB was forced to change mark to market accounting standards (contrary to Sarbanes-Oxley) to make the banks "look" good, his "historical" Financial Regulatory reform was so weak as to be useless and he continues to pump free money into the Primary Broker Dealers (ie, big banks) via QE1 and QE2.
- Wake the fork up America...NOW!
- Write your representatives!!!
- Extra Tidbit: Meet the Robo-signers (ie, burger flips handed a pen and a pile of paperwork) testifying in court on the Massive Mortgage Mess. This is going to eventually blow the banks wide open. The sad thing is that it wasn't the government regulators that brought this to's been a bunch of greedy lawyers...and they'll have job security and good cash flow for many years.

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