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4 NOV 2010, Thursday (AM)

- I admit it...absolutely unbelievable and extraordinarily difficult to watch this market. I'm befuddled as it hasn't operated in a normal manner or in a manner that I like to work in. That and the fundamentals are confounding and thus I didn't have any conviction in the thought of an intermediate move like we've seen. That forced me to more of a quick trading mentality which isn't appropriate for investors.
- I'm trying to come up with some sound reasoning to develop a perspective from which to operate and, well, I am unable. Government involvement in our marketplace is distorting alot.
- Market is on a multi-Mountain Dew caffeine buzz. But, it is what it is. Up is up. Moving average guides have shown that since early September. Breakout above resistance showed that in mid September.
- Next areas...1220, 1245 is a guess. But, heck, maybe Ben and Da Boyz have their heart set on "to infinity and beyond". Wherever they want it, they sure are in a hurry. Will this be a blow-off?
- We will eventually see a trip back to the 50MA (red) or it will eventually catch up to price when it begins to correct.
- My brain has got me in trading mode since I've been filled with doubt. My problem right now so trading is the only way to go when in that mindset. Still don't like sentiment and the thought of record insider selling with all this hype going on. We are approaching an intermediate top of some kind. What kind? Small correction of this recent up move or something larger will be the question to be answered then.
- Saw this pic and it seemed appropriate to what is going on. It gave me a chuckle.
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