- Great schtick from John Daly on how the recent Presidential Speech repeats the same thing that has been said during "Energy Independence" speeches of the 7 prior Presidents.
- Which basically means we can expect the same results since oil still has the highest energy density capable of being readily transported through means currently available.
- Although...
...he could've vastly accelerated permitting of nuclear power the very day he walked into office to get the 10 year construction process going....instead, of wasting 2 years and just now starting to think about "Maybe, I oughtta actually think with a more open mind and produce results!" I mean, heck, France gets 80% of its electrical generation from nuclear power plants. - Naah! That's just crazy talk!
- Besides, it's easier to introduce a fake carbon trading scheme that will do nothing to resolve "supposed" man-made global warming. However, it will establish a mechanism so that a whole bunch of people (already appropriately positioned) get to touch a completely new, HUGE, steady stream of cash and skim off of it for their own purposes...AT YOUR EXPENSE!
- Yeah! Go Cap and Trade! It's just handing Goldman Sachs another market to artificially engineer into a bubble...and they don't even need any true fundamentals in order to do it.
- Now, for a moment, just think about it...Complete Lunacy, no???
- So, just shut up and remember to "feel good" when you're paying $5 for gas again and your home utilities increase 50%.
- Ya know sumfin....ya can just feel za Change!
- Oh...the way...who will pay the heaviest price for Cap and Trade? Is this just?
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