- Chart above from blog.AfraidtoTrade.com for current Dow. Click here to see interesting resemblance to the Dow in 1930.
- OK...here's a rant...This morning saw a left-leaning talking head defending allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire since, "afterall, it would merely return the tax rates to those of the Clinton era which were pretty good times."
- He's right! We had a good economy and federal budget deficits shrunk toward zero.
- So, let's go all the way! Let's roll back federal spending levels to that time as well!
- Why can't these guys ever present a complete argument? Instead, it's always halvesies...the half that suits there purposes.
- The recent "financial reform" bill took months of debate in the Senate...yet accomplished nothing. Sort of seems like the year they wasted on Healthcare which will be regretted long into the future. Who exactly is running this circus?
- Since I am, and always have been a fiscal conservative, I've got just one thing to say to those that live in that oh so quaint fantasy world..."Say hello to my little friend!"
Peer Review and Costs of Building Electrification for Commercial Users
The ramifications of New York’s Climate Act on business development are
becoming evident. In 2026, certain new buildings in New York will no
longer be abl...
1 hour ago
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