- Wall Street Financial Reform: Politicians Lie, Media Applauds, America Suffers. The new financial reform bill has been successfully gutted by the Bankster Lobbyists. Despite Obama's tough talk, there is no "Change" (big freakin' surprise considering Goldman Sachs was his biggest contributor).
- The Banksters will, ultimately, turn us and our kids into their debt slaves. So, "Shut up and pay-up America so noone gets hurt...especially our bonuses!" the Banksters say!
- Heck! All CON-gress had to do was repeal the CFTC Act of 2000, reinstate Glass Steagle and reinstate the leverage limits on banks / brokerage houses that existed prior to 2004. For goodness sakes...they didn't have to do any work and write new laws. All they needed to do was go back to the old ones (ones listed) that worked for over 70 years since the last banking crisis. What a bunch of clowns. I'm sorry but where no respect is deserved, no respect will be granted.
- The shit-storm continues unabated...gonna need a stronger umbrella!
- And...Oh, by the way...this is the way a capitalist system works below. Success is rewarded and failure is swiftly and harshly punished. But, apparently the Banksters, Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac and auto companies don't experience the downside...since they own CON-gress and that means they own the taxpayers. So, again, shut the heck up and pay up. Yes, you are being raped America yet you sleep. When will you awake. And to you that think I'm not correct...get your facts together, I'll get mine...I'll buy the first beer and we'll debate for beers. By the end of the night, you'll be footing the bill.
- Weekend is here. I'm going to rest...'cuz I'm really getting tired of this shit!
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