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8 OCT 2010, Friday

- Hmmm...are the tax cuts the problem? Or is it the spending. Graphic below puts it into perspective. Let's get real folks. I don't care how much wailing and nashing of teeth some folks do to try and convince you that "If we can just recover the Top Earner's Tax Cuts, we can solve our whole deficit problem." Bullshirt...look at the big blue spending bar on the left and now compare the tax cuts for the rich in that tiny red bar on the right.
- What do you think???
- The truth is that those supporting tax hikes want / need that money for one spend it! If they were serious about balancing the budget, they WOULD NOT have put in the largest entitlement increase since Bush's Medicare Part D....which I railed against, as well, since it was unpaid for.
- The Oligarch's are out of control and must be reigned in...Remember in November...VOTE!!!
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