- That is THE question for this and following election cycles.
- As the election approaches, my humble opinion remains that the Federal Government's responsibilities are few and detailed in the U.S. Constitution! Nothing is stopping individual states from entering grand social experiments...yet none do.
- Why is that? Perhaps it's because they know it will bankrupt them! So, why do we permit the over reach by the Federal government? Is it because they're not limited by a balanced budget concept and can print money freely out of thin air via deficit spending? Sound like a free lunch to you? We all know there is no such thing as a "free lunch".
- Instead, the states should be free to govern themselves under the umbrella of Federalism since they are ultimately closer to accountability of the people. Wasn't that the intent of the Founding Fathers? Government is best which governs least?
- In America, government is supposed to be accountable to the people vice the people being told what to do by the government! Isn't that why our ancestry entered a Revolution against the most powerful nation in the world? Isn't that what they were willing to sacrifice all for? Self determination...it was a revolutionary concept that only America could rise to...and then actually maintain. That is our history in a nutshell.
- I fear that we have forgotten what makes America special. Hell...look all across current socialist Europe right now. They are a mess and pulling back from Socialism as fast as they can! Because it succeeded or is it failing? Why else would they be cutting their socialist programs despite riots in the streets? C'mon think about it...please! Wake up America....time is growing short.
- Yet, the U.S. has plunged head forward into expanding socialism despite the evidence that it is ultimately destructive. Does this make any sense at all?
- In my humble opinion...the US Constitution details that the Federal Government has responsibilities in the following key areas:
- 1) Enforcing the Bill of Rights which protect individual citizens against a far reaching "We know better than you" government! Currently failing...for example: 1) seizure of private property by government (Kelo vs New London), 2) repeated assaults against 2nd Amendment rights of citizens to possess firearms, 3) continual affront against freedom of religion (displays of Christianity in the public square while encouraging Muslim studies in public schools...Huh?). Believe me...I could go on.
- 2) Providing for common defense...currently failing. This includes ILLEGAL immigration (as opposed to LEGAL immigration) and, of course, violent and forceful invasion by a foreign power.
- 3) Enforcing Contract Law...currently failing. Examples include: 1) TARP / bank bailouts at the expense of taxpayers, 2) auto company bailouts..equity shareholders should've been wiped out, bondholders should've been crammed down into equity holdings and unions should've had no say in the process. Also, banks shouldn't be permitted to foreclose on people without due process of law, which is becoming a mockery, for convenience and for politicians to maintain campaign contributions from the banking community.
- 4) Protection of individual property rights...previously mentioned...Kelo vs New London and foreclosures on homes without due process.
- 5) Free speech protections...currently failing. The Patriot Act has been expanded under the current administration to include surveillance of domestic entities vice being repealed in totality as they campaigned on. Why could that be? Hmmmm.....
- 6) Deficit spending is destructive and, eventually, enslavement of future generations due to the failures of their fathers (ie, us) to do the right thing. Yes, I said it! Future generations are being turned into debt slaves to the Federal government and the special interests that are in control of the current crop of politicians. Is there any other way to perceive what is occurring?
- Sorry for the rant but....
- Remember in November!!!
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