- No change...another narrow range day...coiling for a move. Waiting for the market to tip it's hand.
- Below, neat graphic on who pays what in taxes. My personal opinion is that no one, NO ONE, should work more than 2 days out of a 5 day work week to pay for government services (includes ALL federal, state and municipality taxes/user fees in total...everything). To have to work longer than that for the government equals slavery to the government. That's absurd! And yes, I think the lower incomes should carry the same tax burden on a percentage basis. Perhaps, then they wouldn't be so swayed to vote politicians in office that will seize others incomes for their purposes. Hmmm...almost sounds like equality...how radical is that! An individual's work effort to succeed would become the focus of everyone and THAT is what capitalism is based on and what made this country!
- OK, OK...I know that some more progressive folks are now in an uproar. Well, get over it. My solution there is that compensation has run amok for the elite. And, believe it or not, I have a solution for that too. Businesses, corporations and senior level employers compensation should be limited to 30x's the "annualized" income of the lowest paid person that provides work/services for that entity (whether on-site or overseas, for that matter). No more options, benefits, perks that create a twisted reality curve for senior execs...eliminate them and simplify it down to a straight pay basis across the board. Then, the lowest paid employee/independent contractor's annualized wage would become the basis. The Board could then design the "pyramid" pay structure down the heirarchy.
- I know, I know...I'm a freaking radical. But perhaps not...it would restore us to the standards that worked in 1950's and 1960's...seemed to work back then! Besides, with all the bullshirt talk of "pay for executive performance" that we've had to listen to as Wall St "too big too fails" failed blows a complete hole through their non-sensical argument.
- OK...off the step..."Steve Wood for President!"
Peer Review and Costs of Building Electrification for Commercial Users
The ramifications of New York’s Climate Act on business development are
becoming evident. In 2026, certain new buildings in New York will no
longer be abl...
1 hour ago
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