- The interest cost alone on our debt last year was $202 billion...and that's with historically low interest rates. So, watch out when interest rates go up!
- On top of that, China holds a major portion of our debt and has a lot of leverage over us. In fact, Chinese officials have taken to frequently lecturing the U.S. about how to run our monetary and fiscal policy.
- And it just gets deeper...errr...better all the time. The US is going sub-prime?
- A look into a future financial crisis for President Obama and Treasury Secretary Geithner where they look back to try and see 'how did this happen?'. It's all contained in the SIGTARP Report out now. I guess the President will claim in the future, "How were we to know?" as he hopes the taxpayers have forgotten. Not likely!
- Swell! Does anyone else think that this is just a little troublesome? Am I alone? Does anyone care? Is anyone awake? Anyone?
- One additional item...Global warming has now been exposed as a complete scam after a few hackers got info/emails from the major research centers (click to read).
- Here's a 10min video discussing the global warming email scandal.
- Regarding the above video: It seems Dr. Tim Ball was aware of the data manipulation but could not prove it. Here is a partial transcript but I assure you the video is worth listening to entirely.
"[The Emails] confirm suspicions that I have had in 30 years of working in climate science that I saw the hijacking of climate science particularly by computer modelers and then by a small group of people associated with the intergovernmental panel on climate change. The difficulty was that even though I sensed there was these thing going on, proving it is extremely difficult. But now with the exposure of these public files it is not only a smoking gun, it's a battery of machine guns. ... On A global scale it's frightening. This group of people not only controlled the Hadley Center which controls the global data on temperatures, so that the global temperature record is in their hands, they also control the IPCC. ... The IPCC is the basis in all governments for the Kyoto Protocol, the Copenhagen Accord, and so on. ..... The problem they had is they kept saying the 20th century and the latter part of it is the warmest ever. And of course skeptics like myself [and several other names] were saying it was warmer 1000 years ago when the Vikings were in Iceland and Greenland and that's why they decided they had to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period and they achieved that with the hockey stick. In other words they completely rewrote the history."
- It Was Warmer 1000 Years Ago Than Now!!! There you have it. Reputable scientists think it was warmer 1000 years ago than it is today in spite of all the greenhouse gasses emitted. That does not disprove global warming now, but it sure makes mince meat of the theory that greenhouse gasses are to blame.
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