- Above is today's action...for now, price seems to be trapped at the NOV-DEC highs, struggling with the 90 (green) & 50 (red) moving averages and the RSI (purple indicator at bottom) can't get much above 60.
- What's interesting is if you look back at the 2007 peak and subsequent action...compare current indicator and moving average configurations to the DEC 2007 time frame. Do you see what I'm seeing? Does that time frame look similar to current? Does to me. Brief push up past recent highs then rollover in early MAR? Dunno.
- Again, market is playing monkey in the middle and I'm the monkey...could go either way. Currently, intraday trading.
- Blast from the past...In 2005, Democrat Senators rail about how the majority (Republicans) might unjustly use the reconciliation method to bypass the minority. Wait a minute...wait just one second!!! So what's different now? Why have the Democrats flipped on this obviously strongly held principal and are now ready to ramrod healthcare through using reconciliation???
- Sooo...vote for Obama-care....FREE LUNCH FOR EVERYONE!!! We'll just pass the bill to our kids and grandkids...Freaking priceless and unbelievable.
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